Sling Rating

External load operations have become common practice for a Commercial Pilot. Although sling work is a very specialized operation, learning the basic techniques will vastly improve your everyday helicopter handling. Currently, Sling Load training is only a requirement for a Commercial Pilot Licence. That does not stop a Private Pilot from gaining a Helicopter Sling Rating.

Tackle a new challenge, start your Sling Rating today!

During your training, you will gain essential knowledge and experience.

  • Load Configurations
  • Pre-flight – Aircraft and Lifting Equipment
  • Weight & Balance Considerations
  • Complying a Safety Plan
  • Civil Aviation Rules
  • Load Handling
  • Circuit and Confine Operations
  • Long Line Operations

Adding a load underneath the helicopter changes the dynamics of handling significantly. Sling Load flying is both a challenging and rewarding exercise that improves your general flying skills.

Helicopter Sling Rating

PPL Requirements
5 hours of Sling Load Training – including 3 hours of Dual, and 1 hour of Solo.

CPL Requirments
10 hours of Sling Load Training – including 7 hours of Dual

Gaining a Sling Rating is both challenging and rewarding. The sense of accomplishment as you watch yourself improve is highly rewarding, but you will soon learn that patience is a virtue.

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